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Preparing for Ops

Good evening all !

Along with the website for the book there is now a dedicated Facebook, Twitter page and TikTok page with some new video promos going up shortly. I am also about to sign with a PR Company who will be actively promoting my book plus I am working with them on a national and regional press plan including specialist mags.

Well there we have it.. The cover is approved, I have signed off on the editors draft of the text and am just going over the typesetters page proofs. After that it's just the Index to do and then it's all done !

Many people have helped with info and support along the way and there's a fairly lengthy 'Acknowledgments' section in the book (and rightly so). It was a privilege to be able to write this book and, said in all humility, I am immensely proud of this piece of work. I finally delivered on the promise that I made to the relatives of Dad's crew over the years that once I had the missing piece of the jigsaw that I would make sure their story was told.

This is also for you Dad. I hope I've done you all proud: Bernard, Harold, John, Gordon, John , Duncan and Tommy. A true Band of Brothers.

Photo: Copyright the immensely helpful Mr Ian DB. Thank you Ian, top man.

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